Dec 19, 2018
What goes hand in hand with holiday gifting? Toys and more toys.
This week we’re asking how you feel about toys, what decisions you make around holiday request lists, and how you can keep them in check, plus why we can all expect some meltdowns over toys in the holidays.
On the episode, you'll hear about:
Dec 12, 2018
What should I do when my child
It's one of the most common questions we get at Hand in Hand Parenting, and it's the content of this week's podcast. And no wonder. Hitting can feel dangerous. Offensive. Confusing.
But if hitting is so common, why are we
all still wondering what to do about it?
There's so much...
Dec 4, 2018
So, you want your kids to walk in
the door, hang their jacket, unpack their bags, eat quickly and get
back out the door, freshly changed, for practice.
But right now you are at, well, walk in the door.
BOOM! Cue screaming, crying, defiance and running in the exact opposite direction that you'd like.
So how do you get...
Nov 27, 2018
If you were to see a job description
for a role where non-stop, around-the-clock care was compulsory,
and there was no training and no overtime, would you take it?
Probably not!
Yet, it's what we all sign up for when we become parents.
Hand in Hand Parenting exists to support parents in this crazy difficult role,...
Nov 13, 2018
The holiday season is rolling
around fast. Whether it's Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, or New
Years these festive times exist to bring family together.
And while the holidays can be fun and merry events, for many of us they bring added stress to the package, and dealing with difficult family members can feel...