Sep 24, 2019
Your kid is going crazy about taking a bath. Just won't. You wrangle and wrestle. It's nearly bedtime after all. You are sooo close!
Then when you finally make it to the bedroom, your child refuses to put on pyjamas. Then requests a drink. And then another. Doesn't want to brush their teeth. Needs a certain toy who, yes, you guessed it, is missing.
Will sleep ever come?
Finally, your child makes it under the covers but as you go to turn off the light, your child screams, "No!" I'm scared of the dark."
"Mama. Don't go."
And you are left with the question, do you stay or will you go? (Or at least try?)
We called this podcast powerful ways to solve your child's sleep issues because, oh boy, if there was ever a parenting challenge made to test, it's this.
The end of the day.
Alone time insight.
A moments peace or a chance to rest yourself.
Sleep looms bright in our minds.
But so many times looms dark for our kids.
Today we're talking why kids have such a hard time with bedtime. (And why we do!). And why sleep issues can be easy to dismiss. Know this - they are MUCH MORE to do with us than our kids.
On Powerful Ways to Banish Fear of the Dark (and other things kids say go bump in the night) we cover:
Like this thinking? Read Three Gentle Ways to Fight A Child's Resistance to Bedtime or Sleep and The One Question You Need To Ask To Help a Child Sleep Better
Get more pre-bedtime games here: Five Games to Help with Bedtime Refusal
Take inspiration from this mom's story about how she used play when her child got scared at bedtime
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