May 29, 2018
How much attention does your
child need?
Have you ever heard the phrase "You can't pour from an empty cup?" When we spend time with our children, do Special Time, listen and care for them, we naturally fill their cups with warmth and love. When a child has a full cup of your warmth and attention, they are less clingy....
May 22, 2018
Tickling seems like a good, reliable route to laughter and fun, so why might we suggest rethinking it?
Today on the podcast the Elle and Abigail talk about Hand in Hand's approach to tickling and how they tackled it in their own families.
Elle remembers the good and the bad of tickling in her house when she was a child...
May 15, 2018
Today Elle and Abigail are talking to New York Times bestselling author, neuro-biologist and family counselor Michael Gurian. We're talking boys, girls and their differences, and raising boys and girls so each thrives.
All over the world boys in schools are failing and girls are succeeding, why?
May 8, 2018
This week Elle and Abigail are
telling their birth stories...
Now, why would they want to do that?
Birth can engulf us with emotions that linger way beyond the time our children are babies, but we rarely have an opportunity to talk about the feelings we had. And what we felt then, how it shaped up to our...